Social Cognitive and Addiction Neuroscience Lab (SCANlab)

January 2015

Post-doc Liana Hone joins the SCANlab

We are very pleased that Dr. Liana Hone, whose research focuses on the evolutionary bases of risk-taking behaviors, has joined the SCANlab.

Dr. Hone received her graduate training under the supervision of Dr. Michael McCullough at the University of Miami, focusing primarily on sex differences in behavior (e.g., using sexual selection theory as a framework for understanding college students’ drinking game motivations). In our lab, Liana is working on research aimed at understanding potential sex differences in alcohol-related risk-taking and their associations with individual differences in executive cognitive functioning abilities and other variables that are believed to increase risk for alcohol abuse. She also will be collaborating with Dr. Ken Sher on research examining associations between alcohol use and sexual coercion, and with Dr. David Geary on research examining the effects of heavy drinking and acute intoxication on expression of sexually selected traits, such as emotion recognition and spatial abilities.